Fast Facts
Founded: December 29, 1898 at City College of New York
Membership: ZBT is proud to have 82 active chapters worldwide and more than 140,000+ Initiated Brothers.
History: Founded as the world's first Jewish Fraternity.
Colors: Medium Blue, White, Gold
Flower: Gold Carnation
National Philanthropies: Zeta Beta Tau Foundation, Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, Jewish Women International, Gift of Life
National Headquarters: 3905 Vincennes Rd., Suite 100, Indianapolis, Indiana

ZBT Firsts
A Fraternity of Firsts
We are the worlds first Jewish Fraternity.
We are the first fraternity to abolish pledging, which we did in 1989.
We were the first men's Greek fraternity to offer an e-learning gateway for all brothers.
We are the first fraternity to partner with other international Jewish organizations to offer dating abuse and sexual assault prevention programming.